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Premium Features

Premium Account Features

Why Get a Premium Account on TibiaFun?

TibiaFun server is free to play on, but a premium account comes with several benefits that you can explore below:

Enhanced Gameplay: Premium account holders enjoy additional features and perks that enrich their gaming experience.

Exclusive Content: Gain access to exclusive areas, quests, and items that are only available to premium account holders.

Support Development: By purchasing a premium account, you contribute to the maintenance and development of the TibiaFun server, helping to keep it thriving and evolving.

Upgrade to a premium account today and unlock the full potential of your TibiaFun experience!

Loot Channel Only premium players have the ability to use the loot channel.
Promotion Only premium players have the option to purchase promotions from King Tibianus, granting access to new spells along with faster mana and health regeneration.
Stamina Players with a premium account receive 50% more experience for two hours.
Hawker Only premium players have access to the NPC Hawker who buys and sells special items.
Frag Time Players with a premium account have reduced time after one kill for 16 hours.
Travel You can move between islands faster by using ships with a premium account.
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Server Info
Server status:Offline
Server save in:19h 12m 15s
Players online:4
Top 5 Players
3.Mugi No Adri782
Server Events
Storm Icon Storm starts in
20h 12m